The colors of Cystic Fibrosis


The color and smell of the sputum can give you a hint for possible microorganism and inflammation in your lungs. Sputum,when examined by the naked eye, can be within a huge color range , which could possible remind you of the color charts you used when you refurbished your house. Watch the color on regular basis, notice changes, remember the smell and if you see some worrying changes or strong gradient from left to right of the scale, inform your doctor.

Self monitoring is a very important tool in living with CF.


The colors of Cystic Fibrosis


The color and smell of the sputum can give you a hint for possible microorganism and inflammation in your lungs. Sputum,when examined by the naked eye, can be within a huge color range , which could possible remind you of the color charts you used when you refurbished your house. Watch the color on regular basis, notice changes, remember the smell and if you see some worrying changes or strong gradient from left to right of the scale, inform your doctor.

Self monitoring is a very important tool in living with CF.